of The International
factory-made string instrument
makers competition
"Violin: Soul and Shape"
I. Organizers:
1) «Philharmonik» magazine;
2) Organizers of the Musical NAMM Musikmesse Russia exhibition;
3) The Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory;
4) Moscow musical community
II. The place and time of the event:
2.1 Competition is held on the 10-14th of September, 2014;
2.2 Venue:
I and II rounds:
Congress and exhibition center "Sokolniki" (Pavilion Classique, Pavilion 7a)
Moscow, the 5th Luchevoi prosek, 7, p. 1
III round:
Rakhmaninovsky hall of The Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya St., 13/1.
Congress and exhibition center "Sokolniki" (Pavilion Classique, Pavilion 7a)
Moscow, the 5th Luchevoi prosek, 7, p. 1
Exhibition of instruments, September 15-21, 2014:
The venue is specified
III The conditions of applying, registration fee, general conditions:
3.1. The Competition is open for factory-made string instrument makers (factories, manufactories, crews etc.) with a brand name (trademark, commercial label).
3.2. Instruments for participation can be provided whether by makers (factories, manufactories, crews etc.) or by official distributors. In case of winning, the award goes to the maker and is bestowed to the contestant who has provided the instrument/bow.
3.3 The application and the scanned copy of the registration fee should be sent
till the September 9, 2014 by e-mail:
3.4 The registration fee is 100 euros.
3.4.1 The participant can exhibit 1-2 instruments or bows (any ratio) per one registration fee.
3.4.2 Participants of the NAMM Musikmesse Russia-2014 exhibition don't pay registration fee (max. 5 participants from one stand);
3.5 Particulars of the bank account for registration fee:
: 59/ Beneficiary customer: «PROARTBOOK», LLC, INN 7704848664, MOSCOW, RUSSIA
Beneficiary account: № 40702978838040002069
Payment name: registration fee
Send the scanned copy of the payment by e-mail:
3.6 The instruments/bows for participation should be delivered: from August 10 to September 9, 2014.
3.7 The instruments/bows can be delivered for the competition Organizing committee by postal mail:
Russia, 113105 Moscow, Varshavskoye Shosse, 37 International post office "poste restante" competition Organizing committee "Violin: Soul and Shape"
or through authorized representative:
109052, Moscow, Nizhegorodskaya St., 29-33, p. 27
Competition organizing committee "Violin: Soul and Shape"
Ph.: +7 (495) 518-67-27; fax +7 (499) 530-09-21
3.8 An exhibition of instruments that have participated in the 2nd and 3rd round will be organized after the end of the Competition with the indication of maker`s name and country. The duration of the exhibition is 7 days. The participation in the exhibition is unpaid. Instruments and bows will be returned to the owners after the end of the exhibition.
3.9 The instruments/bows which are exhibited in competition, can't be returned before the end of competition and an exhibition.
3.10 The organizing committee of competition reserves the right to photograph the instruments/bows exhibited in competition and to distribute pictures without any payments to their owners.
3.11 The cases of controversies during the Competition will be settled by the legal authorities of the country – Competition organizer.
Only Russian language will be considered as valid one.
IV. Award nominations of the competition “Factory-made string instrument makers”
4.1. «The School» - instruments for school children– size 1/2, 3/4, 4/4 (violin, cello)
4.2. «The Professional» - instruments from traditional materials (violin, viola, cello, bow) – size 4/4;
4.3. «The Professional» - instruments from new materials (violin, viola, cello, bow), size размер 4/4. The example: the product from carbon;
4.4. «The Professional» - electronic instruments (violin, viola, cello, double-bass) – size 4/4.
V. Participation conditions of The International
factory-made string instrument makers competition:
5.1 Nomination: «The School» - instruments for school children
5.1.1 The instruments allowed in competition: violin, violoncello. The size – 1/2, 3/4, 4/4;
The year of instruments making – not earlier than 2009;
5.1.2 Restrictions for the instruments:
а) that are not made of wood;
5.1.3 The instruments/bows are represented in competition in a cover or a case anonymously – without any label (or the etiquette is stuck) with a sealed envelope.
The maker's motto, written on a card in Latin letters, should be attached to the instrument's head. In the event of several instruments are submitted to the Competition, the mottos should be different.
The envelope is enclosed in case, the information on the envelope includes the nomination and the motto of the instrument only.
The information inside the envelope contains:
a) name factory-made string instrument makers (factories, manufactories, crews etc.), brand name (trademark, commercial label);
b) year when the instrument is made;
c) 3 original labels;
d) a statement accepting the Competition Regulations;
e) a curriculum history factory;
f) 2 photos of the instrument, size 10x15 cm., one viewing the face of the instrument, the other – the profile of its head.
A second unsealed envelope with the same motto is put into the case. The second envelope should also contain a declaration signed by the sender, permitting small repairs to be done in case of insignificant damage of the instrument during transportation (the damage will be removed by a maker who doesn`t participate in the Competition). A spare supply of strings should be enclosed.
The place of the sound-post should be marked in pencil in bottom deck. In the case of its offset during transportation, an authorized maker is able to place it.
5.1.4. Instruments must be given with suggested retail price indication. Instruments are given in subnomination:
Violin: 1) Till 250 euro; 2) From 251 till 500 euro; 3) Over 501 euro; 4) Violin maker.
Cello: 1) Till 500 euro; 2) From 501 till 1500 euro; 3) Over 1501 euro; 4) Violin maker.
5.1.5. Instruments are appraised in 2 rounds:
1st round – the best instruments are chosen in subnomination;
2nd round – the best instruments are chosen in nomination taking into account “price - quality”
5.2 Nomination: «The Professional» - instruments from traditional materials
5.2.1 The instruments/bows allowed in this competition: violin, viola, violoncello, bow. The size – 4/4;
The year of instruments making – not earlier than 2009;
5.2.2 Restrictions for participation:
а) not handmade;
5.2.3 The instruments/bows are represented in competition in a cover or a case anonymously – without any label (or the etiquette is stuck) with a sealed envelope.
The maker's motto, written on a card in Latin letters, should be attached to the instrument's head. In the event of several instruments are submitted to the Competition, the mottos should be different.
The envelope is enclosed in case, the information on the envelope includes the nomination and the motto of the instrument only.
The information inside the envelope contains:
a) name factory-made string instrument makers (factories, manufactories, crews etc.), brand name (trademark, commercial label);
b) year when the instrument is made;
c) 3 original labels;
d) a statement accepting the Competition Regulations;
e) a curriculum history factory;
f) 2 photos of the instrument, size 10x15 cm., one viewing the face of the instrument, the other – the profile of its head.
A second unsealed envelope with the same motto is put into the case. The second envelope should also contain a declaration signed by the sender, permitting small repairs to be done in case of insignificant damage of the instrument during transportation (the damage will be removed by a maker who doesn`t participate in the Competition). A spare supply of strings should be enclosed.
The place of the sound-post should be marked in pencil. In the case of its offset during transportation, an authorized maker is able to place it.
5.2.4. Instruments must be given with suggested retail price indication. Instruments are given in subnomination:
Violin: 1) Till 1000 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro; 4) Violin maker.
Viola: 1) Till 1000 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro; 4) Violin maker.
Cello: 1) Till 2000 euro; 2) From 2001 till 4000 euro; 3) Over 4001 euro; 4) Violin maker.
Bow: 1) Till 200 euro; 2) From 201 till 500 euro; 3) From 501 till 1500 euro; 3) Over 1501 euro; 4) Violin maker
5.2.5. Instruments are appraised in 2 rounds:
1st round – the best instruments are chosen in subnomination;
2nd round – the best instruments are chosen in nomination taking into account “price - quality”.
5.3 Nomination: «The Professional» - instruments from new materials. The example: the product from carbon.
5.3.1 The instruments/bows allowed in this competition: violin, viola, violoncello, bow. The size – 4/4;
The year of instruments making – not earlier than 2009;
5.3.2 Restrictions for participation: no Restrictions;
5.3.3 The instruments/bows are represented in competition in a cover or a case anonymously – without any label (or the etiquette is stuck) with a sealed envelope.
The maker's motto, written on a card in Latin letters, should be attached to the instrument's head. In the event of several instruments are submitted to the Competition, the mottos should be different.
The envelope is enclosed in case, the information on the envelope includes the nomination and the motto of the instrument only.
The information inside the envelope contains:
a) name factory-made string instrument makers (factories, manufactories, crews etc.), brand name (trademark, commercial label);
b) year when the instrument is made;
c) 3 original labels;
d) a statement accepting the Competition Regulations;
e) a curriculum history factory;
f) 2 photos of the instrument, size 10x15 cm., one viewing the face of the instrument, the other – the profile of its head.
A second unsealed envelope with the same motto is put into the case. The second envelope should also contain a declaration signed by the sender, permitting small repairs to be done in case of insignificant damage of the instrument during transportation (the damage will be removed by a maker who doesn`t participate in the Competition). A spare supply of strings should be enclosed.
The place of the sound-post should be marked in pencil. In the case of its offset during transportation, an authorized maker is able to place it.
5.3.4. Instruments must be given with suggested retail price indication. Instruments are given in subnomination:
Violin: 1) Till 1000 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro
Viola: 1) Till 1000 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro
Cello: 1) Till 1500 euro; 2) From 1501 till 4000 euro; 3) Over 4001 euro
Bow: 1) Till 500 euro; 2) From 501 till 1500 euro; 3) Over 1501 euro
5.3.5. Instruments are appraised in 2 rounds:
1st round – the best instruments are chosen in subnomination;
2nd round – the best instruments are chosen in nomination taking into account “price - quality”.
5.4 Nomination: «The Professional» - electronic instruments
5.4.1 The instruments allowed in this competition: violin, viola, violoncello, double-bass. The size – 4/4;
The year of instruments making – not earlier than 2009;
5.4.2 Restrictions for participation: no Restrictions;
5.4.3 The instruments/bows are represented in competition in a cover or a case anonymously – without any label (or the etiquette is stuck) with a sealed envelope.
The maker's motto, written on a card in Latin letters, should be attached to the instrument's head. In the event of several instruments are submitted to the Competition, the mottos should be different.
The envelope is enclosed in case, the information on the envelope includes the nomination and the motto of the instrument only.
The information inside the envelope contains:
a) name factory-made string instrument makers (factories, manufactories, crews etc.), brand name (trademark, commercial label);
b) year when the instrument is made;
c) 3 original labels;
d) a statement accepting the Competition Regulations;
e) a curriculum history factory;
f) 2 photos of the instrument, size 10x15 cm., one viewing the face of the instrument, the other – the profile of its head.
A second unsealed envelope with the same motto is put into the case. The second envelope should also contain a declaration signed by the sender, permitting small repairs to be done in case of insignificant damage of the instrument during transportation (the damage will be removed by a maker who doesn`t participate in the Competition). A spare supply of strings should be enclosed.
The place of the sound-post should be marked in pencil. In the case of its offset during transportation, an authorized maker is able to place it.
5.4.4. Instruments must be given with suggested retail price indication. Instruments are given in subnomination:
Violin: 1) Till 500 euro; 2) From 501 till 2000 euro; 3) Over 2001 euro
Viola: 1) Till 1000 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro
Cello: 1) Till 1000 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro
Double basso: 1) Till 1500 euro; 2) From 1001 till 3000 euro; 3) Over 3001 euro
5.4.5. Instruments are appraised in 2 rounds:
1st round – the best instruments are chosen in subnomination;
2nd round – the best instruments are chosen in nomination taking into account “price - quality”.
VI. Transportation conditions:
6.1 Expenses on instruments insurance during their stay at competition and at an exhibition are assumed by the competition Organizing committee. Insurance of instruments and transportation costs to Moscow and back – are assumed by the participant of competition.
6.2 The instruments which have arrived on competition, can't be returned before the end of competition and an exhibition.
VII. Jury:
7.1 Prominent violin makers and musicians — virtuosos will be invited to join the Jury. The Jury list will be announced prior to the Competition. The Jury Panel will give assessment for instruments in compliance with anonymity of violin makers.
7.2 The jury has the right: to award not all awards;
The jury's decision cannot be revised.
VIII. Order of carrying out competition:
Competition of instruments takes place in 2 rounds.
The Jury will assess instruments: the makers will provide professional assessment, musicians will give assessment to instruments in chamber conditions. The best instruments are chosen in subnomination (on 3 instruments).
The best instruments are chosen in nomination taking into account “price - quality”
IX. Awards (или awards and prizes)
Competition of Violin masters:
9.1 Nomination: «The School»
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal)
9.2 «The Professional» from traditional materials
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
9.3 «The Professional» from new materials
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
9.4 «The Professional» electronic instruments
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
Double Bass:
I award (Gold medal), II award (Silver medal), III award (Bronze medal);
9.5 Special diplomas are given:
a) For the best sound qualities;
b) For the best art and technical work of the maker;
c) For the best game qualities of a bow;
d) To the youngest participant of competition
9.6 State and public organizations, artistic and professional unions, mass media, institutions, firms, private and juridical persons may grant special prizes and awards to participants upon agreement with the Organizing Committee and the Jury.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Organizing Committee
109052, Moscow, Nizhegorodskaya St., 29-33, p. 27
Competition organizing committee "Violin: Soul and Shape"
Ph.: +7 (495) 518-67-27; fax +7 (499) 530-09-21

A catalog of instruments of Russian violin makers can be ordered by mail
purchase at the Association office.
Send your application by mail
or call:
+7 (495) 740-3908