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First All-Russian open competition

of violin makers

named after Timofey Podgorny


Сompetition regulations  


I. Organizers:

1.1. Association of Violin Makers of Russia;

2.1. LLC Publishing House "Periscope"

II. The place and time of the event:

2.1. The competition will take place January 9 – 13, 2024.

2.2 Address:

International Union of Musical Figures

125009, Moscow, Bryusov pereulok, d. 2/14, p. 8


III. Application procedure, registration fee, general conditions

3.1. Violin makers who are professionally involved in the creation of string-bowed instruments can take part in the competition, without restrictions on age and country of residence.

3.2. An application for participation in the competition and a copy of payment of the registration fee must be sent before December 30, 2023 by email:

3.3. The registration fee:

10,000 rub. – for 1 instrument;

15,000 rub. – for 2 instruments;

20,000 rub. – for 3 instruments;

Members of the Association of Violin Makers of Russia pay 50% of the registration fee.

Registration fee is non-refundable.


3.4. Payment of the registration fee according to the details:


ИНН 9722022842, КПП 772201001

р/с: 40703810038000003198


БИК: 044525225

КОРСЧЕТ: 30101810400000000225

Purpose of payment: Регистрационный взнос


3.5. Tools are provided for participation in the competition from January 6 to January 9, 2024.

3.6. The instrument is delivered to the Organizing Committee of the Timofey Podgorny Competition through at the address:

109052, Moscow, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 29-33, building 27, Tel.: +7 (495) 740-3908

3.7. One participant in the competition can provide no more than 3 instruments (no more than 2 instruments in one nomination).

3.8. The competition is anonymous. Instruments are provided for the competition without etiquette or the label must be sealed.

3.9. The instruments/bows are represented in competition in a cover or a case anonymously – without any label (or opaque paper sticks to the label).

The maker's motto, written on a card in Latin letters, should be attached to the instrument's head. In the event of several instruments are submitted to the Competition, the mottos should be different.


3.10. 2 envelopes are put in a case:

The first envelope is sealed. Outside, only the nomination and the motto of the instrument are written. Inside the envelope, data about the master:

a) surname, name and address of the maker;

b) place and year when the instrument is made;

c) 3 original labels;

d) short autobiography;

e) 1 photo violin makers, size 10x15 cm, with the name of the contestant legibly written;

f)  2 photos of the instrument, size 10x15 cm., one viewing the face of the instrument, the other – the profile of its head.


The second envelope is not sealed. Outside, the same nomination and motto of the instrument should be written. Inside the envelope:

a) a power of attorney for minor repairs, in case of damage to the instrument during transportation, signed by the sender (repairs are carried out by a maker who does not participate in the competition);

b) a spare chord of strings.

The place of the sound-post should be marked in pencil in bottom deck. In the case of its offset during transportation, an authorized maker is able to place it.

The second envelope will be returned along with the instrument after the competition is completed.


3.11. At the end of the competition there is an Exhibition of instruments in which the participants took part in the II and III rounds, with the name of the master.

The exhibition will last 2 days (January 12-13, 2024). The organizer does not charge exhibitors any fees for participation in the exhibition and does not pay them any fees. After the end of the exhibition, the instruments are returned to the owners.


3.12. Instruments entered into the competition cannot be returned until the end of the competition and exhibition.


3.13. Participants insure instruments for the duration of the Competition on their own account. The competition participant is obliged to insure the instrument(s) independently and at his own expense during delivery to Moscow and back.


3.14. The organizing committee of the competition reserves the right to photograph the instruments participating in the competition and sell the work without paying the owners.


3.15. Disputes arising during the competition period will be resolved by the legal methods of the country organizing the competition.


3.16. The only text is considered Russian.


IV. Nominations:

All-Russian open competition of violin makers named after Timofey Podgorny (2023)

held in the following categories:



  2. VIOLA


V. Nomination conditions:

5.1. The year of making of the instruments (violin, viola) - no earlier than 2018.

5.2. Instrument size (violin, viola) - 4/4

5.3. Allowed the participation of instruments imitating old violins, violas.

5.4. The length of the viola body must be no less than 390 mm and no more than 425 mm.



The following instruments CANNOT participate in the competition:

а)              not handmade;

б)              with extravagant form, color and ornaments, smell;

c)              that are not made of wood;

d)              that are made by Jury-members or by their relatives;

e)              that have been awarded prizes at any other competitions


VI. Jury:

6.1. The jury consists of outstanding violin makers and virtuoso musicians. The composition of the jury will be published before the start of the competition. The Jury Panel will give assessment for instruments in compliance with anonymity of violin makers.

6.2. The jury has the right to award not all prizes. The jury's decision is not subject to review.

6.3. The procedure and working conditions of jury members are regulated by special REGULATIONS.


VII. Order of carrying out competition:

The instrument competition takes place in 3 rounds.


a) auditions of the 2nd and 3rd rounds are held in a public setting.



Members of the jury - violin makers: conduct a general review of the instruments to determine the possibility of their participation in the 2nd round (score: yes/no). Members of the jury - musicians: examine and listen to rejected instruments, with the right to provide the opportunity to participate these instruments in the 2nd round (score: yes/no).




Members of the jury - violin makers - evaluate the instruments and assign points. Maximum 100.

Members of the jury - musicians - evaluate the instruments and give points. Maximum 100.


The evaluation of the instrument by the jury - musicians - takes place in several stages:

1) Jury members play instruments and give points;

2) The jury members listen to each instrument when 2 illustrators play the instruments in turn, and give points. The tools are hidden behind a screen.


Final score of round 2: The results of violin makers and musicians are added up.


6 (Six) instruments with the highest number of points advance to the III round.



Members of the jury, violin makers and musicians, together evaluate the sound qualities of the instruments and assign points. Maximum 100.


The instruments will be voiced by 3 (Three) illustrators - solo and with piano in several stages. The tools are hidden behind a screen.


Medals and diplomas are awarded based on the total points in the final of the third round and the points assigned by the jury members in the second round.


After summing up the results, the jury will open the envelopes with the mottos of the competition participants and announce the winners.



VIII. Prizes and awards:

Nomination "Violin":

I place (Gold medal), laureate title. Prize 100,000 (One hundred thousand) rubles.

II place (Silver medal), laureate title

III place (Bronze medal), laureate title

IV place (diploma), diploma holder title


Nomination "Viola":

I place (Gold medal), laureate title. Prize 100,000 (One hundred thousand) rubles.

II place (Silver medal), laureate title

III place (Bronze medal), laureate title

IV place (diploma), diploma holder title


The rest of the final participants are awarded a Participant Diploma.


8.1. Special diplomas are established:

a) for the best sound qualities;

b) for the best artistic and technical work of the master;

8.2. State and public organizations, creative and trade unions, the media, institutions, firms, private and legal entities, in agreement with the Organizing Committee and the jury, can establish special prizes and awards for participants.





A catalog of instruments of Russian violin makers can be ordered by mail


purchase at the Association office.

Send your application by mail

or call:

+7 (495) 740-3908

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